Monday, September 22, 2008

!WOW! look at the size of the miro-chip

MICROCHIP: a intergrated circuit i dont know if it's true but it's thier next to the definition

BASIC PARTS OF A COMPUTER just for a reminder

MONITOR-displays the information you seek and that you put see...for example going to and you find a picture and you put full size image, the monitor will enlarge the picture as you commanded KEYWORD- a mehanism that you use to type then it will show up on the moniter for microsoft word document or for the URL or txt MOUSE- the mouse controls the arrow shown on the monitor to click on stuff like your document to check it out CPU-It's acualy called the central processor unit, it has a USB port, optical drive (cd-rom,dvd-rom) and more stuff, the point is that it's the main part of the computer systemem

!!!!!!!!!!!FaCtS AbOuT TeChNoLoGy (DAY 1).!!!!!!!!!!!

1).Did you know that since microprocessors makes alot of heat, a heat sink like the picture above will take all that heat away so the chips components wont melt 2).Isn't it amazing that even when your computer is shutdown that CMOS (a little memory chip that has a tiny battery, that is below)can keep possesion of the information of the computer's hardware configuration

Saturday, September 20, 2008

my learning plan

A. im a VISUAL LEARNER B. i fit in the visual learner group cause i get good grades i like too take notes but i dont sit in the front and im not neat C. people with my learning style will sit in the front take notes and have their own way to study D. I'LL improve my learning style E. by seeing what im good at and bad to improve F. it will be helpful if repeat everything we learn before giving us the test

Definition for Modem

MODEM: an electronic device for converting between serial data from a computer and a audio signal suitable for transmission over a telephone line connected to another modem

Definition for Hardware

HARDWARE: the phyisical machinery and devices that make up a computer system

Definition for Binary

BINARY: exucutable programs in machine language

Defintion for Computer Program

COMPUTER PROGRAM: set of instructions in a logical sequences interpreted and exucuted by a computer enabling the computer to perform a required function is; also called software

Defintion for Data Bus

DATA BUS: an internal pathway across which data are transferred to and from the processor to and memory

Defintion Hard Drive

HARD DRIVE: a drive that reads data stored on hard disk

Definition for Microprocessor

MICROPROCESSOR: an intergrated circuit that contains the entire central processing until of a computer on a single chip

definition for Computer

COMPUTER: a general -purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporaly or permanetly

Definition for usb

USB: refers to some type of network of communicatio controller that plugs into the computer via the usb port

Definition for Software

SOFTWARE: the programs, routines,and symbolic languages that control the funtioning of the hard ware and direct its operation

Defintion for Optical Drive

OPTICAL DRIVE: generally refers to the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive in a computer

Definition for Computer Storage

COMPUTER STORAGE: a device or a portion of a device that is capable of receiving data, retaining them for them for an indefinite time, and supplying them on command. Also called memory

Defintion for RAM

RAM:computer main memory where it programs application software,and data are stored.